Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Home ICT Network

The Principle director and supervisor of this project is Mr. W. M. C. R. K. Dissanayake. He opened a private computer educational institute in Hambantota. after his secondary education in 1998. This institute provide modern IT at a reasonable host for poor school children. At present this service has rapidly expanded. It is a common thing to assemble a computer by these children. The technical knowledge was given by our institute at a very reasonable cost.

Though they are selected for the university entrance, They do not have the knowledge of IT and English. I could identify this major problem and enlighten them IT.

I started and other project named “ Home ICT Network” and we are donated 150 second hand computers among 123 young volunteer. Each of them trained the basic knowledge of IT to neighboring children about 40 and they are enjoyed as their own property. This poor innocent children put follow ABCD… out of these computers, Thanking to our home ICT Project. We instructed and guided them for their problems. Over 4000 school children were enlighten free of charge with the help of project. In addition to this, they could get and additional income by writing CDs, Printing, Graphic designing etc. They could get employment after one years time due to their skills.

Mr. Dissanayake was not much interested in internal studentship, because he was so busy with his IT work at present he is waiting for his final exam results. ( External Degree ) at the Ruhuna University.

I could participate in Mission 2005 held in New Delhi, India as a successful Nanasala operator in the year 2005.

I could obtained NVA fellowship and to participate in a workshop held by Mission 2007, Jemestaji TATA Virtual Academy in New Delhi, India in the year 2007.

I was lucky enough to select as the first forty competitors among thousand competitors in the world at the “ Young Social Entrepreneurship “ held by GK3 in the year 2007, in Kula Lumpur - Malaysia. I could participate in a workshop and could gain lot of experience.

ICT Mini Campus

Rural Youth are facing for unlimited problems due to their poor economic situation. They are seems to be not in a position to a complete with the urban youth society. Specially with the standard of education. This project can help them to find out their self solution for social economic and education problem.

Rural Youth society is always discriminated due to poor knowledge of English and IT as they do not have enough. This situation has provide when they face for interviews and job opportunities as they do not have a higher education.

Rural Youth society do not get the opportunity of education through various attractive CDs, Various topics and subjects and online education. They are not end title for foreign scholarship also as the need lot of money to fill application and for guidance for higher education, scholarship, awarded by foreign countries.

job opportunities are available in various sector based on IT, but trained operators are very rare among rural youth society. Computer is considered as a luxury Item among rural youth society and they can not afford their economy. I hope to avoided middle parties from agricultural and fishing industry and promote rural skills to step up their economic standards. This project propagates towards all the section of the society and the targeted group are introduced the gaining opportunities.

Our students are trained to transact all the documents though email and SMS. All the students are instructed to to communicate with ICT project and exchange idea through internet by joining with Vidatha, Nanasala or personal at least once in a fortnight.

More than 400 youth, about 200 elder women and about 2000 kids are benefited thorough this project. Trained rural youth selected for higher education and some are employed. Their knowledge is certified by and international standards examinations. Each student has to pay between Rs. 5000 – Rs 12000 for e citizen and ICDL exams. but their training program was done free of charge and they had to pay examinations fees only. promoted students were refunded their money.

Currently 200 women are in touch with this project. They are community leaders as well as pre schools teachers. They have started to used personal computers in the in homes and created and grade advantage for school children and kids though education CDs.

They have introduced audio and video items to the free school also. Kids are very happy to see and here stores, letters, and numbers. This teachers are trained by our special computer course free of charge. They operate their CD players with their school children’s and kids.

Our Main ambition is : It education should be a universal right and not a privilege.